Where Vision Meets Guidance
We’re Not Just Advisors, We’re Your Co-Pilot, Guiding You Through the Growth Landscape
A Strategic Growth Framework for Ambitious Company Builders
More Than Coaches or Implementors
Our Guides Stand at Your Side and Help You Cover Your Blindspots
Data Shows: 65% of those who get good at strategic planning + execution report above average financial performance, compared to only 18% in companies that don’t. Current strategic planning tools were built for old, stodgy companies - not nimble, ambitious, growth companies. We fixed that.
We believe that by having clear strategy, growth, operating, and people plans teams create more growth with less resources and headaches.
Growth as a Culture:
Revenue Optimization
The Village
We’ve Got the Rolodex and We’re Willing to Share It
Could the Right Conversation with the Right Person Change the Game for You? We Can Help Make That Happen.
Our network’s been built over decades at the highest level. We spend our network capital on helping you. Whether you need one-off questions answered or desire a long term relationship, we're here to help.
Join Our Village
Growth: It Takes a {Capable + Aligned} Village
Building out and leveraging a network of support is hard. Regardless if you’re sending cold emails or leveraging introductions, time spent recruiting advisors is time you aren’t spending growing your business. To make things more challenging, experienced operators often have busy schedules and plenty of competing opportunities. How do you keep them engaged and adding value?
As a member of our village, we’ll do the heavy lifting to recruit and incentive your network of support so you can stay focused on running your business.
Entrepreneurs often over-index on advice from experienced leaders without realizing their guidance would have been very different had they provided the right context.
At The How CompanyWe Pair the Context of Your Business with Our Network to Reveal Your Most Efficient Path to Success.
When running a company, you get a lot of advice... The hard part is knowing when to use it. At The How Company, our guides pair you with the right person, at the right time, and give them the context they need to help you grow.
The Roles Our Seasoned Operators May Take
Investor | Advisor | Expert | Fractional Roles | Biz Dev |
Beyond Credibility and Access: Informed Advice. | Conversations That Move the Needle. | When Advice Just Won’t Cut It. | Drumming Up Business on Your Behalf. |
The Best Part? The How Company Will Take Care of Compensating The Village.
Be Our Village
For Seasoned OperatorsInterested in Helping the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs While Participating in the Value You Help Create?
Let us curate opportunities that fit your experience and appetite for involvement.
Earning Asymmetric Returns
Earn bonuses for moving the needle. The How Company frequently leverages special-purpose-vehicles to align entrepreneurs with advisors. This allows us to avoid placing an undue administrative burden on companies while allowing for creative deal structures.
Curated Opportunities
Access deal flow that fits your experience and interest. Every new member of The Village starts their journey with an interview, allowing us to match opportunities that fit your schedule and deal criteria. We’ll always get your permission before making a connection.
Vetted Companies
Selling vision is an important part of being an entrepreneur. Sometimes Founders tell such a compelling story Investors and Advisors are disappointed after they’ve signed on. All companies in The Village are customers of Atlas; so when we share a potential opportunity we can speak specifically to where you can help and where they are at.
Giving Back
Entrepreneurship is what drives America forward. Join us in helping guide entrepreneurs of all walks of life and upbringing.
Build Your Village
Not Quite Ready to Join? Let Us Help You Get There.
For Early Stage Founders or Business Owners Who Want Occasional Support.
Receive a $5,000 Investment for Warrants:
By Application Only:
The Campfire
Powerful Connections and Experiences Crafted to Level Up Ambitious Leaders and Their Teams
It's lonely at the top. There are plenty of organizations that bring leaders together for experience sharing and relationship building built on the common experience of entrepreneurship. These organizations fill an important role but are missing a key element: How Do I Actually Grow My Business?
At The How Company, we go beyond high level experience sharing and make it concrete. We talk tactics, tools, and frameworks that work. We have dedicated circles for CEOs as well as those key leaders in growth, operations, finance, technology, and people.
The Crown Room
A Hub for Ambitious Company Builders in Arizona
Just like you, we’ve created something from nothing before and we know that the journey is full of exciting highs, intense lows, and everything in between. We love helping a wide variety of founders in AZ find their way, so at The Crown Room we spend our days doing just that.
If you are an experienced team that is fueling tech-enabled innovation, you’ll fit right in. But, we are also here to support the broader spectrum of ambitious company builders who are committed to creating impact in unique and interesting ways. We look beyond the unicorns.
Get In Touch
1305 W Auto Drive. Tempe, AZ 85284